
BBC Shropshire is a local radio station based in Shrewsbury and reaching 55 000 listeners each week. Listen to music from a variety of genres such as pop, rock and the latest news with interesting entertainment. On air shows and programs with famous speakers is one of them Clare Ashford she will brighten up your morning with top songs and pleasant soundtracks for your mood for the whole day.

Slogan: "The sound of where we live, and all the music you love"

Format: news, talk, pop music.

First air date: 23 April 1985

City: Shrewsbury

Owner: BBC

Broadcast area: Shropshire


BBC Radio Shropshire broadcasts in the following cities:

  • Ludlow 95.0 FM
  • Telford 96.0 FM
  • Shrewsbury 96.0 FM

