
Free Radio Coventry & Warwickshire is an independent local radio station from Birmingham with 107,000 listeners per week, from On 10 January 2024 owned by the Bauer division and renamed Hits C & W. You can listen to music in a variety of genres they will help you relax and find peace after a hard day's work. On air shows and programs with unique speakers, they heartily enjoy vibrant songs and provide memories and good conversations.

Slogan: "Free: The Biggest Hits, The Biggest"

First air date: 23 May 1980

City: Coventry

Broadcaster: Bauer

Area: Coventry, Solihull, and Warwickshire


  • Coventry 97.0 FM
  • Solihull 97.0 FM
  • Stratford-upon-Avon 102.9 FM

