Greatest Hits Radio Essex

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Greatest Hits Radio
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Greatest Hits Radio Essex is a local radio station based in the East of England. You can enjoy unique melodies ranging from the newest to the oldest music of various genres, this will help you get in the mood for the whole day. Airing shows and scheduled programs with speakers and songs pleasantstyles with Des Paul, he offers inspiring soul, funk and fun disco for a pleasant time.
Slogan: "The Good Times Sound Like This"
First air date: 7 October 1990
Broadcaster: Bauer
Area: Essex
Greatest Hits Radio Stations
- Tendring 100.2 FM
- Clacton-on-Sea 100.2 FM
- Website:
- Address: 1 Golden Square London W1F 9DJ.
- Phone number: 3332020402, in South Wales - 0333 32 32 113.
- Text number: 61054.
- E-mail: