Greatest Hits South Yorkshire
2 2
- BBC Sheffield
- Sunrise Fm London
- Radio Caroline Flashback
- Mod Radio
- Absolute 60s
- Westsound Radio
- Fantasy Radio UK
- 1940s Radio UK
- Angel Radio
- U105 FM
- 1940s
- Giants of Jazz Radio
- Radio Exe
- Rendellradio
- Atlantis Radio
- 45 Radio
- Brass Band Radio
- Great Yorkshire Radio
- BBC York
- Heart Yorkshire
- BBC Leeds
- Hallam FM
- Gold FM
Greatest Hits South Yorkshire is a local radio station based in Sheffield and reaching 272,000 listeners each week. You can enjoy musical compositions broadcasting mainly in the style of classical music for your relaxation and improvement of a positive attitude, and there are also the latest news reports. On-air shows and programs are scheduled with famous speakers, some of them are Boogie and Arlene, they will brighten up your Sunday evening and save you from the blues, this is a good time.
Slogan: "The Good Times Sound Like This"
First air date: 5 October 2003 (as Dearne FM); 1 September 2020 (as GHR)
City: Sheffield
Broadcaster: Bauer
Area: South Yorkshire and North Midlands
Greatest Hits Sister Radio Stations
- Sheffield 1548 AM
- Barnsley 102.0 FM/ 1305 AM
- Doncaster 107.1 FM/ 990 AM
- Penistone 97.1 FM
- Rotherham 96.1 FM
- Website:
- Address: Hallam FM Radio House 900 Herries Road S6 1RH.
- Phone number: 3332020402, in South Wales###0333 32 32 113.
- Text number: 61054.
- E-mail: