Greatest Hits Radio Bath & The South West

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Greatest Hits Bath & The South West is a local radio station based in Somerset, England. Listen to unique musical compositions broadcast for your entertainment in a variety of genres, one of them is classic, which promotes relaxation and inner peace. On air, scheduled shows and programs with famous speakers include Boogie & Arlene, they help cope with low mood and Sunday blues in the evening.
Slogan: "The Good Times Sound Like This"
First air date: 15 November 1999
Broadcaster: Bauer
Area: Bath, North East Somerset, West Wiltshire
Greatest Hits Radio Stations
- Bath 107.9 FM
- Warminster 107.5 FM
- Website:
- Address: Bauer Media County Gates, Ashton Road, Bristol, BS3 2JH.
- Phone number: 3332020402, in South Wales - 0333 32 32 113.
- Text number: 61054.
- E-mail: