Greatest Hits Radio London

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Greatest Hits London is an independent local radio station based in England. You can enjoy unique musical compositions, mainly in classical style, which help to lift your spirits and relax throughout the day. Shows and programs are planned on air with the participation of famous speakers, one of them is Richard Allinson, he is a connoisseur of love songs, these are special messages and dedications to the best melodies of all time.
Slogan: "The Good Times Sound Like This"
First air date: 10 April 1995
Broadcaster: Bauer
Greatest Hits Radio Stations
- Website:
- Address: The Lantern, 75 Hampstead Road, London, NW1 2PL.
- Phone number: 3332020402, in South Wales - 0333 32 32 113.
- Text number: 61054.
- E-mail: